
What the Experts Say

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Noah\'s Ark - State-of-the-art animal and ecological conservation park To Be Built To Protect The World's Animals
Noah\'s Ark - State-of-the-art animal and ecological conservation park To Be Built To Protect The World's Animals

WWF reported in 2018 humans have wiped out 60% of Earth’s animals since 1970.  If humanity continues with over development, poaching and hunting, polluting the oceans and affecting climate change the natural world will be gone completely in 20 years.

The UN Katowice Climate Change Conference, December 2018, hosted climate scientists who warned unless emissions are reduced to specific levels the planet’s eco system will be beyond repair in 12 years resulting in catastrophic consequences; Earth uninhabitable.  The Paris Agreement is the document which countries around the world have committed to so to reduce carbon emissions, this conference pressured America and Saudi Arabia to support the agreement.  Whilst the conference ended with a positive tone, the reality is the agreement as it stands will not cut emissions enough in 12 years to stop temperatures rising.  Not enough is being done by the world to cut emissions.  The reason countries are not supporting the Paris Agreement is economic so there are challenges for the world to find solutions.


The Noah’s Ark project will invest £500m into selected programs associated with animal poaching.


Stock and protect the animal species that have survived the brutal and selfish actions of the human race.


Noah's Ark will have Hotels, Entertainment Areas, Food Courts, an Aquarium, Water Parks and more!

Partners and Sponsors

A special thanks to Noah’s Ark corporate supporters which have made an idea turn into a working project!

Planet Fitness in partnership with Noah's Ark Conservation Park South Africa
Noah\'s Ark - State-of-the-art animal and ecological conservation park To Be Built To Protect The World's Animals
Jacaranda FM in partnership with Noah's Ark Conservation Park South Africa
Noah\'s Ark - State-of-the-art animal and ecological conservation park To Be Built To Protect The World's Animals
Noah\'s Ark - State-of-the-art animal and ecological conservation park To Be Built To Protect The World's Animals
SE in partnership with Noah's Ark Conservation Park South Africa
USN - Ultimate Sports Nutrition in partnership with Noah's Ark Conservation Park South Africa
Noah\'s Ark - State-of-the-art animal and ecological conservation park To Be Built To Protect The World's Animals
Thobethulani Trading Architects in partnership with Noah's Ark Conservation Park South Africa
Noah's Ark Legal Partner - Adams & Adams
Noah\'s Ark - State-of-the-art animal and ecological conservation park To Be Built To Protect The World's Animals

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